There's no User's Manual. Sorry. I'm not adequately skilled with English language, moreover writing one User's Manual for YellowEdit can be dreadful for me, by using any language, Italian also :-).
I will give you some initial infos about YellowEdit, you should discover the last╔
You may help me to write one adequate Manual, if you want: you may write the whole manual or simply one or more portion of it (a portion means the chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 of this application). If you help me I will give you a free serial number and right credits on docs and about box!
Before starting your writing, please, ask me, maybe some user has acted before you and one Manual already exists!!!!
(command-click the underlined text to send me mail about Manual:
" would write the YellowEdit Manual").